Friday, February 21, 2014

Is There A Cure

You might have noticed that a lot of my posts have been at night, and that would be because I only have time for a quick blurb with hours upon agonizing hours of rehearsals and other homework. So without further ado, my nightly blurb.
Is there a cure for hemophilia? Unfortunately, no. The easiest way to get a temporary cure is to inject commercially produced clotting factor concentrates to replenish or replace the missing factor. You can get these from plasma-derived factor concentrates or recombinant factor concentrates. Plasma-derived concentrates come from human plasma, where as recombinant ones are genetically engineered.
Injections can be given when bleeding occurs, but they also can be used preventively. Many people have learned how to self-administer the concentrates at home.
Desmopressin acetate is a drug that mimics a naturally occurring hormone within the body that releases factor viii from where it's stored in bodily tissues. It can be injected or taken nasally and applies to those  with mild to moderate hemophilia who are lacking in factor viii.
Epsilon Amino Caproic Acid can be administered via the vein or mouth and is a chemical that prevents clots from breaking down. It is normally used for bleeding in the mouth, as it inhibits an enzyme in saliva that breaks down clots.
Finally, there is cryoprecipitate. It's the substance that results from thawing out frozen plasma and it is rich in factor viii. However, unlike with plasma-derived factor concentrates, there is no way to kill viruses residing within it. Therefore, it is only used in developing countries.
Really, the most important thing is to pay attention to one's lifestyle. Avoid rough, contact sports and stay cautious. There are various organizations that provide information, care, or support for those with hemophilia and there families, such as:
Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (
The National Hemophilia Foundation
Steps For Living
Alliance of Genetic Support Groups

1 comment:

    Is my pleasure to comment on this site and i thank the admin of this site for his/her great work so of the happiest moment in my life was when the doctor confirm that my wife is been free from this illness. this awesome moments makes me the happiest man on earth, I really don't know how to thank DR WILLIAMS for helping my wife get cured for over how many year of suffering from hemophilia. i came across DR Williams contact through a headline news on internet about how DR Williams help a woman to get cured of her hemophilia and so many other with similar body problem ,i contacted him and he told me how to get his herb,few day later he sent me the herbal portion which my wife take every morning for 28 days, and his medicine was able to cure her completely from hemophilia. and now she very mush okay without any side effects whatsoever, If you have hemophilia, you can contact him on his email address for advice and for his product.
