Sunday, February 16, 2014

Until Then...

So, part of my assignment was to interview some sort of authority on hemophilia. A doctor, a person with hemophilia, a person who knows someone with hemophilia--it doesn't really matter. I was just supposed to touch on the more personal aspect of having the disease. I sent out e-mails requesting interviews about a week and a half ago, and I have yet to hear a response. Just in case I never actually get one, I'm going to include the links for some really fantastic blogs about hemophilia. They do a great job of making people aware of the day-to-day reality of having hemophilia. Enjoy!

Hemophilia Is For Girls

Sweet Affliction- I absolutely love this one. It has almost anything you could possibly imagine.

Voices of Hemophilia- Not a blog, but has great stories from hemophiliacs; collected by the New York Times

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